“We don’t ask you to believe in our ability to bring change. We ask you to believe in yours.’’

Catalyse Transformation

As corporate performance coaches we, like management consultants, aim to transform organisational performance.

We differ from consultants, however, in that we believe that you and your teams can achieve success without the need for external intervention.

We believe that you and your team are best qualified to think inspirationally about the future, to articulate your current reality, to explore options for moving forward, to agree on the best course of action, and to execute.

The role of True North Coaching is to create the right environment to allow this process to take place.

We ask questions not previously asked.

We explore perspectives not previously considered.

We encourage you and your team to think creatively and ‘out of the box.’

We invite you to be your most fearless and courageous selves.

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A selection of some of the kind things our clients have said about us: